A letter to my last baby on her first birthday || San Clemente Baby Photographer
6 weeks
The weeks leading up to your first birthday were full of emotion for me. You are my last baby so every milestone you reach is met with the same joy for you and little heart pulls for me. Selfishly I want you to stay a baby forever, I want those cuddles and giggles and obsession with me forever. But in reality, I don’t. That’s what I keep reminding myself of. I want you to thrive and grow and learn new things and words and emotions. I want you to grow up ad become a beautiful little person and I want to be there for every single part of it. Every single night of your life (as with every single night since I’ve had kids), I pray to God for your health and safety. I pray that I will get to watch you grow up and become a mama yourself. I pray for our family.
3 Months
4 Months
5 Months
6 Months
For years before you were born I prayed for you, I prayed to be blessed with a baby girl in our family. Honestly I prayed more than I can even remember and God answered my prayers. He gave us the best gift we could have asked for. YOU.
7 Months
7 Months
8 Months
9 Months
You my dear girl are going to be fierce. You will run our house, you will run the world. You will boss us all around and we’ll love every second of it. You my dear girl are strong and determined. You are smart and kind. You are beautiful beyond measure. You are one of a kind!
10 Months
On your first birthday, I want you to know one thing. You can do anything!
11 Months
You can achieve anything you want. You can be whoever you want. You are you, that is truer than true. Shout loud from the rooftops, I am I! And that’s a great person to be!
The world is a harsh place but your home is your safety net. We’ll always catch you when you fall, love on your when you’re broken, pick you up when you are down and shelter you from the storms. We are your people. We will always be there for you, to protect you, to love you, to heal you and to make you shine. Your family loves you more than anything in the world and we cannot wait to watch you grow.
Poppy Camille Herzog or Poppy Girl as we call you, (or Nuggalita Johnson as your dad calls you🤷🏼♀️), thank you for choosing us to be your family. Thank your for choosing us to watch you grow and love on your endlessly. We are proud to call you ours and proud to see the world you create! We love you more than you’ll ever know. Happy Birthday baby girl!